Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Greatest Moments of 2012: Number Five--Ode to Smith's Marketplace


This year had been a year of learning and change. I became the back-up book keeper at Smith's Marketplace #444 in January 2012, and absolutely loved it. In the Fall of 2012 I decided to transfer stores and move to Smith's Marketplace #94 in the same position. 

Moving to #94 has been one of the greatest moments thus far in my life. I have met and made some of the greatest friends here, and I absolutely love what I'm doing. They made the transition easier than a slice of Boston creme pie on a Sunday morning.

I couldn't have asked for a risk to pay off better than it has this year. I am so grateful for my new family, although I still adore, and constantly miss my beautiful family in Bountiful. I'm in good hands here downtown. I can't say enough how much I love it.

To Bountiful:

You were my family for a great four years. I grew up in Bountiful. I became an adult in Bountiful. I remember when I started back when I was 16 and just this little kid with a smile and a bad attitude, back then I hated going to work. I dreaded every moment, because I felt my social life was slipping away from me every moment I was there, but you made every day that I showed up better. Each and every one of you, will always have a place in my heart. You are where I began, and you will always be my second family.

To Downtown:

I was so scurred when I decided to come to this store. I didn't know a single person (besides "CoCo Beans") and I had no idea where I was going to get all the hours I needed, and I didn't know what I was going to do if it didn't work out, but every one has opened their hearts, their minds, and their ears to me; making this transition super easy. You are now an extension of my second family. I look forward to many years, months, days, hours and minutes with you in the next year. I thank you with all my heart. 

^^My first Zero balance at my new Store. Yippee! 

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