Sunday, December 30, 2012


I remember something profound a co-worker of mine mentioned in passing. He said something to the effect of resolutions being worth while, but that resolutions should only be a blueprint for what we want to accomplish throughout the year. We can't stick to the plan one-hundred percent. So, while having resolutions, goals, and "things to do" are good for our mental state. Nothing should be set in stone, we should constantly be trying to be better people.

So...with that said. I give you my resolutions and a list of 5 things I want to accomplish in 2013, but I have to premise this post by saying that this is merely a blueprint. My ultimate goal in life is to be happy. I will adjust and move things around, as needed but for now this is what I want:

1.) To be more honest and open.
2.) To be more spontaneous.
3.) To be healthier.
4.) To be more spiritual

Some things I want to accomplish:

1.) Begin, finish, edit or revise a piece of written work.
2.) Twelve dates. (One each month?)(Within a month?) (Within a day?)
3.) Three-day fast.
4.) Travel the world. (Random destination?) (Somewhere I've been before?) 
5.) Attend a church service of various denominations. 


Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Greatest Moments of 2012: Number Five--Ode to Smith's Marketplace


This year had been a year of learning and change. I became the back-up book keeper at Smith's Marketplace #444 in January 2012, and absolutely loved it. In the Fall of 2012 I decided to transfer stores and move to Smith's Marketplace #94 in the same position. 

Moving to #94 has been one of the greatest moments thus far in my life. I have met and made some of the greatest friends here, and I absolutely love what I'm doing. They made the transition easier than a slice of Boston creme pie on a Sunday morning.

I couldn't have asked for a risk to pay off better than it has this year. I am so grateful for my new family, although I still adore, and constantly miss my beautiful family in Bountiful. I'm in good hands here downtown. I can't say enough how much I love it.

To Bountiful:

You were my family for a great four years. I grew up in Bountiful. I became an adult in Bountiful. I remember when I started back when I was 16 and just this little kid with a smile and a bad attitude, back then I hated going to work. I dreaded every moment, because I felt my social life was slipping away from me every moment I was there, but you made every day that I showed up better. Each and every one of you, will always have a place in my heart. You are where I began, and you will always be my second family.

To Downtown:

I was so scurred when I decided to come to this store. I didn't know a single person (besides "CoCo Beans") and I had no idea where I was going to get all the hours I needed, and I didn't know what I was going to do if it didn't work out, but every one has opened their hearts, their minds, and their ears to me; making this transition super easy. You are now an extension of my second family. I look forward to many years, months, days, hours and minutes with you in the next year. I thank you with all my heart. 

^^My first Zero balance at my new Store. Yippee! 

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Top Moments of 2012: Number Four


As I've mentioned before. I LOVE WEDDINGS, and I went to a lot of them in the summer, but I went to just as many missionary homecomings as I did weddings.

That would be Natasha putting oil on a plate to eat bread at The Macaroni Grill when we went to eat after a wedding and she looked hawt. A man even noticed enough to check her out TWICE.

Same night. My finger "accidentally" got stuck in front of the camera. Tee hee. I have so much fun when we go out. 

This is the result of that day. I went to bed with a smile on my face and a tired diaphragm from all the laughter. Needless to say Natasha is my favorite and always will be. 

Moving on...

Like I said, many homecomings, including this one: Elder Essig returned from his mission and was just as divine as he was when he left. It's so strange to think that two years have already passed since I graduated high school, and now all of these guys are returning from their missions as the girls prepare to leave. This parallel universe just seems unreal, but yet so cool. The stories that get to be told, the legends that get to be made, and the memories which are now forever etched within us make life something worthwhile. I find only one word that fits exceptionally to describe the entirety of it all: astonishing. 

Monday, December 17, 2012

Number 3


Earlier this year, in the spring semester, I took a "Survey of Theatre" class, and it was my favorite class of that semester. I learned a lot about the aesthetic of Theatre, and met a lot of great people. It was a class split into four sections, which included: Lighting, Sound, Construction and Costumes. The final module: costumes, held our final which was essentially a fashion show. 

Our task? We were to build outfits (er, excuse me)/ costumes. Out of every day items that we found in  garbage cans, out on the street, in our rooms, our cars, other peoples' back-packs. It didn't matter. We were asked to find ordinary items, that were not fabric based and create costumes out of them. 

This is why I love Theatre, and Theatre people, their ability to create is astonishing. We had a blast putting together an intricate costume which I loved. The team I had was so much fun, and brought a lot great ideas to the table. We gathered cans and pine cones, leaves and wood, and made a character come to life. It was completely satisfying. 

^^This was not posed. Completely candid.
Ours is the last one on the right end. 

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Number Two

I foresee me talking about a lot of people. This year was a year my life was filled and emptied with people, and I couldn't help but give-in to being sappy about one guy in particular.


This Kid...

Braden Dunbar

He has been one of the greatest people I've met this year. There is only one word to describe him and that is fascinating. I have the best time when we massacre the town with our crazy-ness. He makes me laugh, and takes the most flattering Instagram photos of me.

He has been such a confidant whom I feel I'm able to talk to, laugh with, laugh at, relate to, and listen to. I am so grateful to have met him. I hope to go on many more excursions with him throughout 2013, but for now. I can only thank him for being someone I can call "friend".

Friday, December 14, 2012

Top Moments of 2012

When I tried to create my "best year" photo collage on Facebook it gave me four photos within the same month, and I was highly disappointed. I decided to take it upon myself and just blog about my favorite moments from this past year. With the New Year approaching I felt it was appropriate. So, I'll be sharing good times, bad times, fun times, sad times, and everything in between. I don't have a limit of how many I'll do. Just as they come to me I'll post them. 

While perusing my photos I found these beauties so this moment will be number one!

Matt Willie told me he wanted to "take me to a wedding," so I obliged. Mostly, because I love weddings. I'm not really sure as to why anymore. I feel like every wedding I attend falls short of something, and it never fulfills my expectations, but I find myself still obsessed, and still attending them. In the Summer alone I attended eight of them, and this was one of my favorites.

The venue was perfect, the couple was stunning, and the reception was so much fun. The room was filled with happiness which emanated from every soul in the room. 

I had so much fun, and Matt was such a great date. We ended the night with a slow dance, and it's a beautiful moment I'm glad was caught on camera, and I got to share with him. All weddings should be like this one: spectacular not because of what is happening but because of who it is happening with.