Thursday, July 22, 2010

I can't believe it.

So, I pretty much started school yesterday. I went to orientation.

Oh my started off really dull and boring, (and honestly I

just wanted to vomit and leave.) BUT I am so glad I stayed. The

day was so informative and I registered for classes, which was

really exciting. Probably my favorite part of the whole day. It was

also fantastic to get to know the campus. Meet people, and really

appreciate the city for what it's worth. I lived in Salt Lake City for

half of my childhood and I never could swallow how wonderful the

city was until yesterday. The architecture, the enviornment, the people;

it's so alive and beautiful. I love it! Plus! I got into some really great classes

and have just enough courses (electives and general ed) to get me through

the semester. I think that this is what I love most about college thus far:

the ability to change your mind and no one has the right to reprimand you.

It is up to you. It is your time, your money, you life. So waste it if you must.

Utilize it, if you can, and love every minute of it. I can't wait to see what

next semester has in store. ;)

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