Monday, July 5, 2010

A Bucket List (sort of)

So I've decided to publish my Bucket List. I know, I know,

it may seem conceited. I mean, why would anyone care about 
anything I want to do before I buried six feet under, but it's not 

because I want to publish it to the world to show-off. I'm doing 
it to create some sort of an obligation for myself to get it done, and

if it's published my mind says, "oh snap, everyone knows, I better 
do it!" *crazy scared face* So here it is. Exactly as I wrote it the last 

day of English class. There are ten of them. ONLY TEN, I need to 
get them done, and if I don't. I'll survive, but it'd still be cool to say 

I got them done. Woot! Woot! 
Anyways to begin:

My Bucket List
By: Nathan Rust

  • Learn to Fly a Plane:
    •  I wanted to jump out of an airplane, but the more I thought about it, the more I found it to be stupid. So I found a happy medium.
  • See Lady Gaga Live:
    • 'nuff said.
  • Tour Italy and France (and maybe some other countries on that side of the world) oh, and Greece:
    • I have always been found of Italy, but France has now sparked my interest. I don't remember why. It just does. I'd also like to add Bali. :) 
  • Write a memoir:
    • This most likely won't happen, but I can dream. Right? Right? 
  • Appear on Saturday Night Live:
    • I'm not funny, but it would be interesting. 
  • Get Married:
    • If I find the right person, and find myself in an appropriate situation.
  • Study Abroad in Jerusalem:
    • I think it would be fascinating. 
  • Go to India with Gabby. 
    •  Just discovered this one. Just as I'm writing this actually. 
  • Meet Oprah Winfrey:
    • She's black, she's rich, and she touches my heart.
  • Perform on Broadway:
    •  Even for just a night will do. I'm easy. I would stay for an extended amount of time too. Who knows?

Well, there they are. This was fun. Everyone should make one, even just for fun. Well here it goes, off into the world wide web. Enjoi. 

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