Thursday, February 14, 2013

Can You Feel the Love?

I hadn't really noticed that Valentine's Day was coming so quickly. I guess I just got wrapped up Once I finally realized that it was coming-up, I opted out of celebrating the holiday, because I wasn't prepared. Everyone assumed that because I was choosing not to recognize the holiday, that I was some sort of relationship-people-hating-sad-faced-monster, and as I accidentally got wrapped into moping about this self-proclaimed "Single-Awareness Day". I realized, I don't hate today.

I never have, and I don't think I ever will. Today, as I've said before has never been about being with "my man" or going out to have one too many drinks. Today isn't about the Hallmark expressions or the flowers and candy (wait, maybe it is a little bit about the candy), but regardless. It's a day to say (or show, rather) that we love each other.

Should we be doing that every day? Of course! But today is a day you have an excuse to love that cutie you've been eye-ing on the bus, or the estranged grandmother who you never talk to. It's about saying you love your brothers or your sisters without being embarrassed, and more than all of this it's about the love you proclaim for you and yours. 

Today you should take just a moment to reflect on how much love you have in your life, and how much that means to you? Moreover when you realize that today isn't about those people who are incredibly love-sick and happy in their half committed relationships, or even their picturesque ideal Stepford love. Remember you are loved, and David Bowie said it best: "The greatest gift is learning to love and being loved in return." 

P.S. If you have nothing to do today! Click! There's TEN fabulous ideas of what you should do, and for your entertainment, a shirtless picture of Ryan Gosling . HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY!

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